The Finish
In the final edition I go to two segments distant from each other and distinct in their own way: Holy Hill and Madison.
Read the finish to my Mammoth Hike Challenge in this Story Map .

After raving about the Challenge with friends in Milwaukee, they took us to Holy Hill, north of Waukesha. A stately cathedral sits atop the glacial kame at 1350′, fleeting in and out of view from along the trail.
While the parents enjoyed taking our time along the trail, our girls didn’t want to linger around with us (note them booking along the trail in the back of photo to right) .

For my very last hike in the Challenge I chose the Madison segment at University Ridge golf course – a UW-Madison property. Ironically, it’s also the only hike in which I lost the trail for awhile, looking lost among the golfers. Fitting perhaps though, as I’ve become more at home outside of Madison, despite working on campus for over 21 years. And, sort of a poignant closure for me, not only to the Mammoth Hike Challenge, but also to a challenging and successful academic career. In fact, directly after this hike (and a bagel stop), I went to my UW-Madison office to pack up. Moving on!